More Trains, More Services - Stage 2
Operational Blueprint
Project Description
More Trains, More Services Stage 2 (MTMS Stage 2) sets the scene to reduce network complexity and forms a basis to enable the NSW Government’s integrated land use and transport vision. The vision aims to increase the number of Sydney residents within 30 minutes access to jobs, education, services and other amenities.
The works proposed under the More Trains, More Services Stage 2 program offer opportunities for stronger product differentiation between intercity and suburban services. The segregation of the T4 Illawarra and T8 Airport Line will give individual lines a stronger identity, improve reliability and significantly increase line capacities, which will serve customers well into the future.
Scope of Engagement
Axess was engaged by Transport for NSW to deliver the Operational Blueprint for MTMS Stage 2, which informs service planners and timetable designers of the objectives and rationale of the proposed network changes and how they impact on timetable design. It describes:
The context and rationale of the proposed changes for the T4 and T8 lines.
The changes to stopping patterns, journey times, service frequency, routes and interchange during the peak, interpeak, off-peak periods, emergency and degraded modes.
Customer objectives, requirements and outcomes, including how these are met by the proposed changes. -
The program objectives, KPIs, business requirements, customer requirements and quality of service.
Transport for NSW
Transport Planning,
Operation and Maintenance Concept
Service and Timetable Planning
Operational Blueprint